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A vacation with love and color

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Guess who’s back from Marrakech?! Yes, I am, unfortunately. You may all know Belgium as a rainy land and I can tell you, it really is. The moment we landed back in Brussels we had to run into the airport. A lot of rain and wind was our welcome back into our little city. Thank god it was not the same story when we landed in Marrakech.
Our days where filled with walking through the whole city, with alot of blisters as a result, visit all the must see buildings and museums, eating the typical Moroccan food, crazy taxi trips and, well, I can go on for a while ^^

We also spend a night at a farm/guest house. It was situated right between the mountains. The view was so stunning, i think i’ll never forget that image! When we where riding back from our camel tour we saw a lake where you could make a jet ski ride, and so we did. It was the first time in my life i did it and I had so much fun. I really had such a wonderful time there with my boyfriend. I’m already dreaming of another vacation! For now i’m gonna enjoy my memories and i hope you do to. Be prepared for a picture overload!



A vacation to…

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I’m going on vacationnnnn!!
As you can see I’m so excited. I got a present from my boyfriend for my birthday, which was actually a city trip to Valencia, he decided to go to Marrakech for a week.
I was so happy he wanted to go there because he was never really excited when i mentioned i wanted to go there someday. But now we’re going there and he’s more excited then ever. I showed him some great places we can go to and he was really happy.
Now you may be wondering what kind of places you can see in Morocco so I made a little list of what really want to see there. Ofc i’m gonna shop a lot over there at the Souks and other places and I hope to make some beautiful shots. So as soon as I’m back in town this blog will be a photo overload! Do you have any vacation plans waiting for you?

DIY Inspirations

Source: via Shana on Pinterest

Source: via Shana on Pinterest

Source: via Shana on Pinterest

Source: via Shana on Pinterest

After a month of sewing lessons I’m on a full-time drive of making things. My first real clothing creation will be a dress for my (unborn) niece. Yes indeed, my brother and his girlfriend are getting a little baby girl! I chose a lovely flower print and I can’t wait to show it to you when it’s all finished. But it didn’t stick to that. I made lovely printed pillows and a tablecloth and a lot of other things in progress.
But let’s go back to the DIY from above. I lovelovelove these ideas and i really wanted to make them myself and so I did. To start with the first one, I had a lovely retro wallpaper lying around and when I saw this I finally find a use for it. It made my cabinet so beautiful, i sure was happy that I find this DIY.
Now back to the last picture, I made my version of autumn branches with paper leaves and i had so much fun doing it. It’s an easy and creative creation that you can make just the way you like it.

I really want to show you guys my creations, but I have to warn you first. My SLR is broken and all my pictures are made with my iPhone 4. So I’m sorry if they are not that great. I also really hope you like it and please feel free to give me some feedback. Hope you have a lovely creative day a head of you.

A little DIY

Hi again talkers,

I’ve been working on a few things these days. Since my boyfriend and I got a kitten together, he started talking about refreshing his place and ofc I was in for that. We went to an awesome decoration and craft store in Maastricht en bought a lot of things to make beautiful creations, paintings and decoration. After that he had a fantastic idea to paint the walls. First everything, yes really, everything was whitewhitewhite. It’s not that i don’t liked it but i’m more of a warm person that likes cosiness and warmth.  Now one of them has a really beautiful dark turquoise color, which is called Oldtimer Rally.
It turned out darker then the photo, but we both really like it! Now we are working on some paintings and decorations to hang on the walls and decorate the place with. So let’s go on to that DIY i was talking about. I made a little, now i’m not sure how i can call it, decoration piece. You can use it to put a candle in but also for just a little spotlight on your cabinet.

So this is what you need to do:

1) Take some aluminium foil and just make form that you want. I took a cup to make the underground flat and to start the beginning form of the decoration piece.

2) I made the back a bit longer then the front to give it a unique form. Just rip the foil wherever you want to , you can make any form you want. I kept it simple for the first time.

3) Gather all the candles you can find in all different colors. It’s easier when you light up the candle and when the wax is melted you can make a bottom first. Throw the wax on the flat surface so you get a hard and stable form where it can stand on. When that is dry you can start with all different colors . Shake the wax onto the form. That way you get little drops of wax in different colors on your foil.
Be sure you don’t throw the wax on one place but divide it over the whole foil. You can turn the form so that the was reaches a wider area. You can also burn your wax under another candle, but when you keep it to close you get black wax instead of the color it should be.

4) You can do this until you like your result but be sure you use a lot of colors together. I used purple, red, green, brown and purple. All dark colors, but as you may know these colors become lighter as you melt them.

5) Let it dry for about 2 minutes after the color. You can also mix the melted wax with each other to get new and special colors. On my form you can still see a bit of foil, but i didn’t mind that. Ofc you can choose that for yourself. Just let the wax dry and there you go, you have new piece of recycled decoration.

Hope you have fun trying this yourself. You can really relax doing this and you can have so much fun with it. If you made this yourself please let me see your decoration as well, i’m very curious to see. Enjoy!

We talk again

Well i’ve been thinking of a good way to start this post and to be completely honest, i really can’t find one. It’s been over 3 months since we posted something, but i can’t take it anymore. I really want to be more committed to this blog, but it’s really hard. The end of 2011 didn’t go as well as i was hoping it would go and the start of 2012 didn’t bring me the new start i was hoping for. I know it’s not a good explanation, but let us just stick to the wonderfull cliché ‘Everything’s gonna be alright’.

To keep up that good spirit i want to go back to christmas eve, a lovely night for everyone with loads and loads of present & hell yes, i was pretty happy with mine. I got a new and mysteriously good smelling parfum, some jewelry and clothes which is always nice. But now the best of all, i got a polaroid and a fish eye! I was so extremely happy and god do i love those cameras.

To bad though i can’t share pictures of them with you yet, but don’t worry, they are coming! Instead of that i’m giving you an overload of my iphone/instagram pictures. Hope you enjoy it (:


We talk music.

Hi Talkers,

A few weeks ago i was talking to my friend David Guerra and we were exchanging some music. He gave me a link to a video from this band “First aid kit“. I checked it out and i was in love!
First aid kit is a Swedish folk duo formed by the sisters Johanna and Klara Söderberg. They became “famous” when they posted a cover of Fleet Foxes- Tiger Mountain Peasant Song on Youtube. They later signed with “Rabid Records”, a label co-owned by The Knife. Let’s just say, if the knife signs you, you must be fucking great. Well, i hope you enjoy their music!

We talk photography

Hi talkers,

It’s been a while (again), but I was very busy with school and all kinds of things. Today I want to show you some of my favorites on flickr again (first two pictures), but also some of my own pictures.
First of all I have to say I’m absolutely not a pro! I shot them just for fun and because I like how I can play with all the effects. I know it may not be your cup of tea, but feel free to leave a comment and tell me what you think about it and what I can do better ofc. All pictures are taken with my SLR, I hope you like it.

Sunny Saterday
Music and trains go perfect together
Station Liege
Station Liege

We talk journalism.

Hi talkers,

Voor de eerste keer op deze blog ga ik een post doen in het Nederlands en jawel, dit heeft toch wel een reden. Sinds deze zomervakantie heb ik besloten om bij Stampmedia te gaan. Een jongeren-persagentschap die online hun artikels publiceren.
Met volle moed begon ik aan hetgeen wat ik zo graag doe, schrijven! Maar deze keer toch wel wat anders als op de blog of voor school. Voor mijn eerste artikel koos ik de tentoonstelling van Jonge Turken in de C-mine. Een boeiende en ook wel zeer confronterende tentoonstelling van deze jongeren die leven tussen 2 culturen.
Gisteren werd het artikel online geplaatst en guess what?! Vandaag is het overgenomen door Het Belang Van Limburg, Mo en Gundem.
Voor een eerste artikel ben ik wel zeer blij maar er is nog veel werk om beter en beter te worden. Maar ben je toch nieuwsgierig om te zien wat het geworden is? Check these links!

Artikel in MO
Artikel in HBVL
Artikel in GUNDEM
Artikel in StampMedia

We talk illustration

I couldn’t wait to let you see the work of this awesome graphic designer Tang Yau Hoong. He makes the most beautiful illustrations, it’s such an inspiration to see his work!
His collection Negative Space is definitely my favorite, but his graphic designs and other illustrations are amazing as well. You can see all of his work on his website, and I can assure you that you’ll see beautiful and inspiring designs.
This guy has talent and a lot of them, that’s for sure. Which one do you like the most?

We talk advertising

Hi talkers,

got lots and lots of ads for you today, I couldn’t decide so I added a few more than usually. Also this time, they all made me smile. I really like it when ads are funny, of course it has to be more than that.
Sometimes simple ideas that catch your eye. But you know that feeling when you’re looking at an ad and you really don’t get it? Until all of a sudden you are like ‘this is freaking awesome!’
The magic off advertising that is.
Do you have a favorite one or even better ads, don’t forget to tell us.

Hope you have a fantastic weekend just like me, a bloody hot day in Belgium and a festival coming up this evening, can’t be better right?!